Weekly Forecast 10.9.17 - Choose Your Own Adventure!

You're in charge this week. 

So, take a deep breath and select the card that is calling to you...


Got it?

Scroll down to see your card....









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1) Death, Reversed

Don't be alarmed! The death card doesn't actually mean you're going to die! Instead, you are asked to release what is no longer serving you. Since this card is in the reversed position, it's likely you may be hesitant to let go of habits, patterns, or people from your life that may be harmful in the long term. If you have selected this card, you may wish to ask yourself:

What kind of life to I want to lead? What is preventing me from living this life?

More than likely, it is a past experience, trauma, or behavior that still has a hold on you. Once you identify what this is and address the issue and care for yourself, you make room for magical transformation.

2) High Priestess, Reversed

Your intuition is calling you! This week, it's time to pick up. If you selected this card, it's time to reconnect with your inner voice, Since this card is in the reversed position, you may be giving too much weight to the opinions of others and muting your gut. Now is the time to return to practices, rituals, or sacred objects that make you feel like yourself. We are all intuitive, it's just a matter of tuning in. Your next step lies on the other side of silence.

3) Five of Swords

This week, pick your battles...you can't take them all on! Most will not be worth your efforts. Even if you feel like you have "won" a battle, you may have sacrificed something more important such as a relationship. Remember "winning" comes at a cost. When conflict arises this week, you may find dialing down your ego before reacting will yield a resolution suitable for all involved. Rather than "winning", you may see in the future that the win lies in compassion and kindness. 

Which one did you pick?

Let me know in the comments below.

Have a magical week!