I'm not special - you're psychic too.

It started with a sandstorm.

The first time I fully experienced and communicated a psychic event, I was reading in person. I had read for a few people that day and was seeing clients back, to back, to back.

As my next client walked in the door, a gust of hot wind came in with her. Swirling sand filled the room. I could faintly see her mouth moving but I couldn’t hear anything but the wind gusting around us. All I saw was sand and a car that was stalled, waiting for the storm to pass. My eyes hurt from the granules. I closed them and tried to feel my way back to my chair.

When I opened my eyes, the sand was gone. We were in the calm reading room, my cup of water undisturbed next to me. I looked up and saw my client staring at me, bewildered. “Are you okay?” she asked. Her eyes wide with concern and confusion.

“Were you just in a sandstorm?” I asked.

“Uhh…yeah I was. How did you know that?”

“You were outside of the car in the sandstorm, trying to get in and sand got in your eyes.”

“Yeah…” she said.

 She had a guide behind her and he asked me to tell her something.

“Your guide is asking you to stop putting yourself in hostile situations. They sent you this storm to wake you up.”

As she sat down and we began to speak, it was clear she wished to leave an unhealthy relationship. The vision built trust between us quickly and we consulted cards to ask for advice and determine the best way to leave.*

I had been reading professionally for about a year when this experience occurred. Although during my readings I often would see things in my head, I ignored them, thinking they were my imagination. I stuck to what the cards said and translated their message in the most exact way I could. I followed the rules as I knew them and they were serving me well. I had a solid foundation in Tarot and had been reading Lenormand since I was 12. Repeat clients, amazing synchronicities, you name it, things were working.

But…these visions were a curveball! They were becoming harder and harder to ignore. I didn’t want to do anything to disrupt this groove I had found. I didn’t yet have the confidence to let myself fully acknowledge the visions in my conscious mind, let alone tell my client what I was seeing. If it wasn’t for the sandstorm incident, I may have never communicated my visions – they could have very well remained on the back burner forever. In the same way the literal sandstorm was sent to my client to wake her up, I believe I experienced the sandstorm for the same reason. My guides, spirit, the universe were shaking me to PAY ATTENTION and share what I was seeing.

I’m not special

So…why me? Why was I seeing these visions? Although I would love to say I was born an amazing psychic, I don’t think I am special by any stretch. I don’t think I have some far-out gift that few people have. Although I believe some are more predisposed to the psychic and intuitive arts, I don’t think you must inherit this gift as a 10th generation psychic or it needs to be bestowed to you by a witch doctor that lives inside a mountain (although that would be amazing!). I believe we all have a psychic antenna, it’s simply a matter of locating it, turning the dial incrementally to find a clear signal, and remaining open to interpreting the rhymes and symbols the psychic realm** reveals.

The not so secret bridge to the psychic realm

You may be wondering…if you’re not special Emily, how in the world did you start reading psychically?

The short answer? Lenormand.

My regular practice of reading Lenormand for myself and many clients gradually strengthened my intuitive and psychic abilities. Steadily, over time, my visions began to dominate time in readings. The messages became clearer the more time I spent in the psychic realm. I improved my ability to decipher and translate the images that appear to me and see clearly what was on the brink of manifestation. Today, about half of my readings are done without cards entirely.  

Lenormand can do all of that?!

Lenormand is a great tool to begin experimenting with your psychic abilities. Although any divinatory tool can assist you in navigating the psychic realm, I believe Lenormand is uniquely poised to usher you across the bridge from this physical world to the next.

 Why is Lenormand so great at this? There are many reasons but I’ll just share the main one.

 It connects the spiritual/psychic plane in an immediate, tangible way. The stark and simple truths Lenormand speaks can hardly be denied because they relate so closely to our daily lives (when the proper question is asked). Since it is also a fortune telling tool, we are able to get glimpses at the future and see it play out in our physical world. This builds trust between the diviner, the cards, and the information coming through very quickly. Trust (or at least the absence of doubt) is essential when it comes to tapping into and interpreting messages from the psychic realm.

How to use Lenormand to develop your psychic ability

 If you’re here reading this, you are likely wondering “what is the secret Emily? How do I develop my own psychic ability?”

Write yourself a permission slip and try it out! There is no one way to find your bridge to the psychic realm and building that ability is a purely experiential endeavor. 

A Psychic Experiment

The next time you go to your cards, pause before you actually do your card pull. In-between asking your question and pulling cards, create space in your mind for psychic insight to appear. I know this may not make sense, but try to play with the idea. Notice any visions, sounds, thoughts, feelings that arise. Notice them without judgment.

You may wish to write your experience down through automatic writing. Feel free to use this comment section to jot down anything that surfaces.

Then, pull your cards like normal. How did your experience relate to the cards drawn? I would love to know – feel free to share in the comments!

 If you feel like you’re in your head and you couldn’t get a hit, that is totally normal. Just keep trying. Try different modalities. Remain open. This isn’t about predicting the first time we try. It’s about awareness. Even beginning to notice things and tinkering in this space can enable some psychic growth.

Perhaps your sandstorm moment is just around the corner.



PS. It is helpful to have a foundation in Lenormand. I have a free mini course you take here to get started or refresh your practice.

*Details have been modified slightly for anonymity purposes.

**Let’s get this name thing out of the way. We can call the psychic realm by many names and frankly, I don’t think we have good language at least in English to describe this wobbly, in-between space between this physical world and the spiritual world. I like to call it the psychic realm but it’s known by many names.