The Coffin - Lenormand Card Meanings and Combinations

8. The Coffin

“The end of a melody is not its goal: but nonetheless, had the melody not reached its end it would not have reached its goal either. A parable.” 
― Nietzche





  • REST


  • LOSS


The Coffin Card Meaning

Do me a favor and take a deep breath.

Yes, you reading this now.

I know the Coffin can be one of the scariest cards to draw. Before you freak out, I want to point out a few things.

It is important to note the order matters in Lenormand, especially when it comes to the Coffin card so make sure to check out the example section of this post to see what I mean. The Coffin can also symbolize rest, illness or in some cases, enclosed spaces.

So when you get the Coffin, take a breath. Pay attention to the order. If it does signify the end of something positive, remember that all things come to an end and it’s part of the cycle of life. If you feel like your reading is “negative” check out THIS POST which discusses what to do in this situation.

The Coffin Card Combinations

Did the Coffin card show up in your reading? Check out the card combinations below. Please note, there are almost infinite meanings for Lenormand combinations. These combinations below are interpretations I have discovered over the years. The context can change EVERYTHING so use these meanings as prompts for your intuition to sing with the context of your question. I can't stress enough how important context is!


  • Rider (1) = Moving forward from illness/rest, activity after stagnation

  • Clover (2) = Opportunity, luck

  • Ship (3) = Transition, moving on after loss

  • House (4) = Family loss, family illness

  • Tree (5) = Resting for health, illness

  • Clouds (6) = Uncertainty or doubt about an ending or loss

  • Snake (7) = False ending, problems with an ending

  • Bouquet (9) = A happy ending, beauty after loss

  • Scythe (10) = An abrupt ending, an accident

  • Whip (11) = A conflicted ending, argument about loss

  • Birds (12) = Discussing an end

  • Child (13) = A small ending, a new ending

  • Fox (14) = Stagnation with work

  • Bear (15) = Powering through, strength after loss

  • Stars (16) = Hope after loss/ending

  • Stork (17) = Positive movement after an illness or ending

  • Dog (18) = A friend’s loss

  • Tower (19) = An institution’s loss, stability after loss

  • Garden (20) = A community’s loss

  • Mountain (21) = End or illness is blocked

  • Crossroads (22) = Multiple options on how to end

  • Mice (23) = Stress about a loss or ending

  • Heart (24) = Love after loss, a passionate ending

  • Ring (25) = Cycle of loss

  • Book (26) = A secret ending

  • Letter (27) = Invited to end something

  • Man (28) = Man caused loss/ending

  • Woman (29) = Woman caused loss/ending

  • Lilies (30) = A long ending

  • Sun (31) = A happy ending, happiness after loss

  • Moon (32) = Creativity after stagnation, loss

  • Fish (34) = Abundance after ending or loss

  • Cross (36) = A burdensome ending

Example Spreads with the Coffin


Where is my sweater?

Coffin + Bear + Tower

Coffin + Bear + Tower


In a tall enclosed space. Probably a dresser or something like that.


What is in store for my relationship over the next 3 months?

Bird + Whip + Ring + Coffin

Bird + Whip + Ring + Coffin


There will be arguing which is likely to end the relationship.


I just lost my job. What may I experience in searching for a new job?

Coffin + Sun + Key

Coffin + Sun + Key


There will be happiness after your loss and you are likely to find a great job.