The Snake - Lenormand Card Meanings and Combinations

7. The Snake

“Never wound a snake; kill it.” - Harriet Tubman



  • Problem

  • Betrayal

  • Lie

  • Deceit

The Snake Card Meaning

When we see a snake in the wild, we are not likely to approach it. Why? Because we don’t trust it! Instead, we would steer clear as we can’t be sure that it would have our best interest at heart. It is important to always remember the nature of the Snake when it surfaces in your reading. A snake, is a snake, is a snake. When the Snake appears in your Lenormand spread, trouble is afoot - just refer to the question you asked and the surrounding cards to determine which area it is referring to. Remember to never expect the Snake to represent something good - it is snake afterall.


The Snake Card Combinations

Did the Snake card show up in your reading? Check out the card combinations below. Please note, there are almost infinite meanings for Lenormand combinations. These combinations below are interpretations I have discovered over the years. The context can change EVERYTHING so use these meanings as prompts for your intuition to sing with the context of your question. I can't stress enough how important context is!


  • Rider (1) = Trouble is arriving

  • Clover (2) = A charming lie, short lived trouble

  • Ship (3) = Trouble with travel, problems on the move

  • House (4) = Someone/thing at home is not to trust, problems at home

  • Tree (5) = Health problems, built on a lie

  • Clouds (6) = Depression/doubt causing problems or trust issues

  • Coffin (8) = End of betrayal/problems

  • Bouquet (9) = A beautiful betrayal, won’t look like trouble but is

  • Scythe (10) = Problem being cut, lie is revealed

  • Whip (11) = Repetitive problem/lie/problem

  • Birds (12) = Gossip, talking about a problem/betrayal

  • Child (13) = New problem, small problem

  • Fox (14) = Strategic lie, manipulation

  • Bear (15) = A powerful or big lie/betrayal

  • Stars (16) = Spreading lie/problem

  • Stork (17) = Positive movement after problem

  • Dog (18) = Betrayal/lie caused by a friend

  • Tower (19) = A lie on behalf of an institution/organization, a single lie/problem

  • Garden (20) = Gossip, social manipulation

  • Mountain (21) = Problem is blocked

  • Crossroads (22) = Multiple problems, decisions following betrayal/lies

  • Mice (23) = Betrayal causing stress, a stressful problem

  • Heart (24) = A love related betrayal

  • Ring (25) = A relationship related betrayal

  • Book (26) = A secret betrayal/problem

  • Letter (27) = Negative information, can’t trust communication

  • Man (28) = A lie told by a man, problem caused by a man

  • Woman (29) = A lie told by a woman, problem caused by a woman

  • Lilies (30) = An old lie, long lasting problem

  • Sun (31) = Positivity following a problem, a lie is revelaed

  • Moon (32) = A seductive lie, problems when it comes to romance

  • Key (33) = Success following a problem

  • Fish (34) =Many lies/problems

  • Anchor (35) = A lasting problem

  • Cross (36) = A very difficult/burdensome problem

Example Spreads with the Snake


I just started dating a new man. What is his personality truly like?

Clover + Bird + Snake

Clover + Bird + Snake


He is very charming but his words can’t be trusted.


I’m considering multiple job offers. What may I experience if I were to accept the job at company A?

Letter + Snake + Clouds

Letter + Snake + Clouds


The offer is not what it seems and the job is likely to be problematic and anxiety ridden.


I have a home inspection coming up. What problem are they likely to find?

Snake + Fish + Mice

Snake + Fish + Mice


There is likely to be problems with the plumbing, likely leaks. ( Snake = something snakey like electricity or plumbing, Fish = Water, Mice = nibbling away or leak).