Emily Rose Divination Presents…

A 21 day virtual experience for card readers of ALL abilities who want to give mind blowing readings and FEEL GOOD doing it. Learn how to ditch the imposter phenomenon and self doubt whether you’re reading for yourself, friends, or clients.

Taking class after class, reading book after book hoping the next one will make you feel like a confident reader

When you try to read for friends, family, or even yourself you have this self doubt that nags and clings to you and just won’t shake off!

You want to give those tingle down your spine, eerily accurate readings but this feels so far away…

…so you’re playing the waiting game, studying the cards and waiting to feel that mythical confident feeling that you suspect other readers just naturally feel…

Here’s the thing. You can’t study your way into feeling confident. No amount of book reading or course taking will make you feel confident.

What I have discovered after delivering over 1000 paid readings and teaching hundreds of Lenormand students is…

the readers with the MOST potential doubt themselves the most and you need to DECIDE to practice the skill of confidence in order to consistently experience amazing readings.

You may be thinking….hah! Easier said than done Emily…

Practicing confidence is NOT easy but it IS what will make your readings FEEL easy, accurate, and amazing AF. If you want to deliver mindblowing, spooky specific readings, practicing confidence IS the key.

How do we do this?

I want to introduce you to…


Confidence Camp is a 21 day experience to boost your card reading confidence, practice hearing what your intuition is telling you, and get hands on experience with your cards.

This ain’t your run of the mill course. Inside you’ll learn the EXACT insider techniques, mindset shifts, and intuitive/psychic development practices I use regularly as a professional to banish self-doubt and read accurately for hundreds of clients and routinely receive rave reviews like this…

This is the best reading I’ve ever had - Emily’s relationship with the spiritual world is unparalleled. Seriously, you NEED to speak with her!
— Maria M.

If you’re ready to….

have friends and/or clients RAVE about their readings

pull cards and KNOW what they mean in your bones

get intuitive and psychic hits that blow your mind


Join me inside Confidence Camp

What exactly IS Confidence Camp?

Confidence Camp is an immersive experience that starts on July 1st and runs through the 21st.

Each week you’ll have access to join 3 lives with me where we learn, practice, and gain experience in confident card reading.

Can’t make it to the lives?

I know how BUSY many of us are. You don’t need to come to EVERY live and in fact, I don’t expect you to. The ones you CAN make it live to will be in perfect divine timing.

Not only will there be video replays of all the lives…

You can also listen to Confidence Camp on the go! There will be a private podcast feed so you can listen in the car, while cleaning the house, everywhere.

In Confidence Camp we focus on the 3 Keys to Confidence. Here’s some of what we will explore together inside:

  • Meet your spirit guide that helps you with confidence, so you can have your spiritual team onboard!

  • Cast a spell for confidence,

  • What’s the deal with Imposter Syndrome and how do I deal with it? Let’s figure out how to work with this pesky feeling.

  • How to build true, pro level confidence whether reading just for yourself or others 

  • Mindset 101 so you know EXACTLY what to do to conjure confidence whenever you want

  • How to tap into your intuition any time, any place so you learn how to hear what your own wisdom even in a noisy brain

  • Intuitive and Psychic Development Exercises that

This week will be a SURPRISE!

We will be getting our hands dirty and reading cards together, stretching your intuitive and psychic abilities, and more mysterious things mwhahahaha. If this makes you nervous…come anyway! Just know that you will be supported.

BONUS Start your Card Reading Biz!

In this live I’ll walk you through the first steps of starting a card reading business and answer your questions!

So what are you waiting for! Join me inside Confidence Camp:

Here’s what people say about working with me…

I feel light years past where I started since taking this class! I have so much more confidence in my interpretations and I now feel ready to read for clients I do not know.
— Renee H.

If you’re new here and wondering…why is this lady so obsessed with confidence, let me introduce myself…

I’m a full-time professional card reader and teacher. I used to have bone shaking, quiver in my witchy boots, self doubt. So much so that I had driving anxiety, constant fear of messing up in my previous muggle job, and despite having mentoring from world renowned Lenormand and Tarot teachers, it took me YEARS after they told me I was ready to finally make the leap to becoming a professional reader (and I’d love to shorten the timeline for you by teaching you everything I know about confidence).

I found out I was not alone! When I asked over 100 card readers what was the main thing holding them back from doing what they want to do in their life, almost all said confidence was a major factor. Through developing my card reading, intuitive, and psychic abilities in combo with delivering thousands of readings and teaching hundreds of Lenormand students, I learned that no amount of studying the cards makes anyone FEEL confident.

So, I decided to deep dive into confidence and uncovered the 3 keys to confidence. I honed these skills myself and began to see results in my everyday life. The quality of my readings sky rocketed, my intuitive and psychic abilities grew so much that I can do readings without cards, I began to make more money in my card reading biz than I did in my muggle job. Practicing confidence is what built the self trust to leave my job and make a lucrative living doing what I love, helping people through reading cards.

I want to teach YOU the skill of confidence in

Confidence Camp

What are you waiting for?

Have questions?