Want to read Lenormand? Whether you’re a regular pro or a total newbie, there’s always something to learn.
Deep Dive Divination
For the adventurous diviner
How to read the 4 BOnus Cards in the Rana George Lenormand
Watch as Rana and I chat about her game changer bonus cards. Plus, you'll find card keywords and sample spreads.
Can I use my Intuition when reading Lenormand?
The answer here.
3 Reasons your Readings Aren’t Clear (And the fixes)
Ever feel like your Lenormand readings don’t make sense? These reasons could be why.
the 3 fundamental differences between lenormand and tarot
How are Tarot and Lenormand different? Here’s what you need to know.
I’m not special - you’re psychic too
How I began reading without cards and how you can too.
My top tips for reading the people cards clearly and confidently.