Here’s my top 5 tips to set yourself up for success when reading a Grand Tableau.
Choose Your Own Adventure - Week of December 8th
It's Choose your Own Adventure time diviners!
Take a few deep breaths. You may wish to close your eyes for a moment.
Once you open your eyes, follow the prompts. Be sure to remember the cards you select! You may wish to utilize the comment section to remember what you drew.
You’ll pick cards twice. Ready! Set…GOOOOOOO.
THEN….Pick 3 and remember the order. your cards? Don't forget them!
Scroll down to reveal your cards.
Main area of importance this upcoming week
What is likely to happen within this area of focus
Identify the key words associated with your area of may help to write this down or put in the comments what each of your cards mean.
B) Clover = Opportunity, blessings
C) Coffin = Endings, rest/exhaustion/illness
D) Tree = Health, extended family, what is growing
Identify the cards associated with what is likely to occur within your area of focus.
1) Dog = Loyalty, a dog, diligence
2) Tree = Growth, health, extended family
3) Bed = Comfort zone, sex
4) Anchor = Stability, habits, dependability
5) Market = Work, transaction/exchange
6) Fox = Strategy, manipulation
7) Sun = Happiness, awakening, joy
8) Cross = Responsibility, burden, heavy
Interpret your cards. Identify your middle card. Your middle card is the second card you picked. The cards surrounding this card (the first and third cards you picked) augment the middle card. Usually, the center card is the noun and the surrounding cards are the adjectives/adverbs used to describe it.
For example if you picked…
Stars as your area of focus
Dog + Anchor + Tree
You may be planning this week how to stick to your health related habits.
Or if you picked…
Coffin as area of focus
Market + Cross + Sun
You may be recovering from burnout this week.
What did you get? Let me know in the comments below!
Choose Your Own Adventure - Week of November 10th 2024
It's Choose your Own Adventure time diviners!
Take a few deep breaths. You may wish to close your eyes for a moment.
Once you open your eyes, select the 3 cards you are most drawn to. REMEMBER the order. You may even wish to write it down/put it in the comments to remember (1,7,3 or 4,2,6) etc.
PICK 3 LENORMAND CARDS. REMEMBER THE ORDER! your numbers? Don't forget them!
Scroll down to reveal your cards.
Identify the key words associated with your Lenormand may help to write this down or put in the comments what each of your cards mean.
1) Letter = Invitation, document, text/email communication
2) Cross = Responsibility, burden, challenge
3) Tree = Growth, health, spirituality
4) Tower = Large organization, isolation, formalization
6) Fox = Work, strategy, manipulation, politics
8) Lily = Waiting, peace, calm
9) Mountain = Blockage, challenge/problem, delay
10) Child = A Child, Innocence, New
11) Birds = Communication, Chatter, Gossip, Talk
12) Heart = Passion, love, kindness
Identify your focus card. The 2nd card you picked is your focus card. This card will generally serve as the central topic your week will revolve around. The cards surrounding this card (the first and third cards you picked) augment the focus card. Usually, the center card is the noun and the surrounding cards are the adjectives/adverbs used to describe it.
For example if you picked…
Mountain + Tree + Lily
Growth may be blocked this week due to a delay.
Tower + Letter + Child
You’re likely to receive communication from an organization regarding your child (my pull for the week).
What did you get? Let me know in the comments below!