Welcome to the first Deep Dive Divination post! This is a new component of Emily Rose Divination where I am answering YOUR questions by digging in deep into one aspect of Lenormand. Here, we’re talking about the Bear Necessities…the Bear card!
Caline from my Lenormand Learner’s Community asked for some guidance on the Bear card. Thanks Caline! In classes and conversations with Lenormand Learners, the Bear is overwhelmingly the most asked about card and this is understandable! It can have so many meanings.
But I promise, reading the Bear can be simple if you let it by using just a few techniques.
The Simple Bear Necessities
First, let’s look at the essence of the Bear card. What does the Bear card TRULY mean in its purest form?
To answer this, let’s look at the animal herself. Imagine a Bear with me…
The Bear is strong, powerful. She reigns over the forest, making her presence known in her overBEARing, large manner. She fiercely protects her cubs from harm and makes sure they’re taken care of. The Bear eats and eats to store up for winter, then hibernates.
Got your image of the Bear in your mind? Perfect. Now, let’s translate this understanding into Lenormand. Typically, the Bear can take on the following meanings:
Possible Meanings for the Bear
- Nutrition (eating and eating before hibernation)
- Long term finances (storing and storing before winter)
- Strength
- Boss (power)
- OverBEARing, strong personality (you know when a bear shows up!)
- Mother (mama bear protecting her cubs)
Woah, those are just the main keywords associated with the bear and there’s a lot… and they’re very different! How can we know what the heck the Bear means when it shows up?
Context is Key
My mentor Rana George is famous for her saying, “Context, context, context!” This cannot be emphasized enough because our context determines the meanings of the cards we pull. We create context when we ask a question. The question = context.
If we set the scene well with our question, we will know exactly what the Bear means when she shows up. Having a clearly defined question is THE thing that will help you read the Bear card and really any card with clarity.
Since formulating the perfect question can be tricky, I’ve created a free guide to help you formulate your questions: get your FREE Ask Clear Questions Get Clear Answers Guide.
Let’s check out some example spreads that use the Bear card.
Example 1
What is currently causing my health problem?
Snake + Bear + Whip
Using the modifier + subject + modifier three card spread, the Bear is our subject here. REMEMBER, our context is health so nutrition/diet is our likely culprit. With the Snake modifying the Bear, it’s clear there is an issue with our intestines/gut (snake refers to our snake like intestines). The Whip refers to an irritant relating to diet (repetitive).
Example 2
I’m working on a creative project but I’m struggling with it. What advice do the cards have for me regarding this project?
Moon + Bear + Lily + Key
You must stick to your creative dream/vision and fight for it (Moon + Bear). It may take longer than you think (Lilies) but ultimately, you will be successful if you stick with it (Key). Patience and endurance!
The Bear, in this advice position is almost a defender or advocate, asking the querent to barrel through and be strong. The project will take longer than expected so strength is required.
Example 3
We are selling our house and it seemed like a done deal with a potential buyer…now they are trying to back out. Why are they trying to back out?
Bear + Snake + Clouds
There was dishonesty about the funding and the money isn’t there. There is now doubt and uncertainty that colors the offer.
What’s the difference between the Fish and the Bear when it comes to finance contexts? Fish is your cash flow, like a paycheck. The Bear is long term, like your retirement, savings, etc.
Some Hot Tips about the Bear Card
- If you know the Bear card gives you trouble, set an intention for it before you pull cards. For instance, if you’re asking a question about work, you can charge (assign) the Bear card to your boss. So that way, you KNOW that when the Bear appears, it represents your boss.
- Keep playing with your cards and keep track of what your readings mean! Again, drawing cards everyday is THE best way to build your Lenormand experience and confidence. Every time the Bear appears in your daily draws, you will understand the card from a new perspective.
- If you draw the Bear and still don’t know what it means, try to refine your question and redraw. Make sure to snag your Ask Clear Questions, Get Clear Answers Guide. I’m telling you, it will save you COUNTLESS hours of staring at cards and thinking…what the heck does this mean? If you ask a clear question, you’re so much more likely to get a clear answer. Check it out, below.