9. The Bouquet
“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.”
Maya Angelou
A Gift
The Bouquet Card Meaning
When the Bouquet comes to mind, I think of a simple bouquet of flowers. Now, a bouquet of flowers is not life changing, but it does invoke a sense of momentary joy. The flowers themself represent the fleeting beauty of a picked flower. The beauty doesn’t last forever, but in the moment, it brings a smile.
When the Bouquet appears in your reading, it is often representing beauty, a gift, or some small joy. In some cases, it also represents what is on the surface, such as the ego. Look to the surrounding cards to see what this gift or beauty is pertaining to. And don’t forget to smile a little - although the Bouquet’s joy may be fleeting, it is still beautiful and a gift to celebrate.
The Bouquet Card Combinations
Did the Bouquet card show up in your reading? Check out the card combinations below. Please note, there are almost infinite meanings for Lenormand combinations. These combinations below are interpretations I have discovered over the years. The context can change EVERYTHING so use these meanings as prompts for your intuition to sing with the context of your question. I can't stress enough how important context is!
Rider (1) = A gift delivery
Clover (2) = Fleeting joy or beauty
Ship (3) = Gifting a trip
House (4) = Decorating, a family gift
Tree (5) = Happiness/joy has roots, lasting beauty
Clouds (6) = Ego causes confusion, what you see is not what you get
Snake (7) = Beauty is an illusion, deceptive gift
Coffin (8) = End of joy, throwing a gift away
Scythe (10) = Plastic surgery, an abrupt end to joy
Whip (11) = Superficial fighting, arguing about superficial things
Birds (12) = Pleasantries, etiquette, polite conversation
Child (13) = A new gift
Fox (14) = Strategic gift, a gift with an agenda
Bear (15) = Gift from a boss
Stars (16) = Spreading joy
Stork (17) = Positive progression, forward movement
Dog (18) = Gift from a friend, friendly pleasantries
Tower (19) = Organizational gift, office pleasantries
Garden (20) = Etiquette, pleasantries
Mountain (21) = Joy is blocked
Crossroads (22) = Gift leads to choices
Mice (23) = Worrying under the surface
Heart (24) = Heartfelt gift
Ring (25) = Pleasantries for the sake of a relationship
Book (26) = There’s more than meets the eye, a surprise gift
Letter (27) = Paper gift (a letter reveals a gift)
Man (28) = Gift from a man
Woman (29) = Gift from a woman
Lilies (30) = An old gift, longstanding pleasantries
Sun (31) = Happiness an joy
Moon (32) = A creative gift, gift in the form of recognition
Key (33) = Gift to celebrate success, politeness leads to success
Fish (34) = A lot of gifts
Anchor (35) = Positivity here to stay
Cross (36) = A gift with a catch, ego weighs down
Example Spreads with the Bouquet
I just got a new job. What will my new work environment be like?
Bouquet + Garden + Sun
It will be a cordial, positive environment
I’m seeing a friend today I haven’t seen for awhile. What can I expect on our visit?
Bouquet + Rider + Ring + Stork
Your friend may be bringing a gift (may be wise to bring one as well) and your relationships will progress.