5. The Tree
“[Trees] are like lonely persons. Not like hermits who have stolen away out of some weakness, but like great, solitary men, like Beethoven and Nietzsche. In their highest boughs the world rustles, their roots rest in infinity; but they do not lose themselves there, they struggle with all the force of their lives for one thing only: to fulfill themselves according to their own laws, to build up their own form, to represent themselves. Nothing is holier, nothing is more exemplary than a beautiful, strong tree.” – Herman Hesse
The Tree Card Meaning
Picture a tree with me. There are the parts we see, the branches, the leaves, the bark. What we don’t see are roots, deep beneath the ground. Roots absorb nutrients from the ground, they anchor the tree so it does not fall over. If the tree roots are not healthy, the tree cannot thrive.
When the Tree card appears in a reading, I refer to the context of the question to determine the meaning. Most commonly, it is a signifier for health as our bodies root us to the earth. It can also represent growth, and expansion like branches spindling outward, reaching for sunlight. The Tree generally leans positive, but look to your context and surrounding cards to see what roots are taking hold and what you are growing toward.
The Tree Card Combinations
Did the Tree card show up in your reading? Check out the card combinations below. Please note, there are almost infinite meanings for Lenormand combinations. These combinations below are interpretations I have discovered over the years. The context can change EVERYTHING so use these meanings as prompts for your intuition to sing with the context of your question. I can't stress enough how important context is!
Rider (1) = Growth arriving, someone from your past arriving, news regarding health
Clover (2) = Good health (short term), blessed health, luck for expansion
Ship (3) = Picking up roots, a health journey
House (4) = Home roots, family expansion
Clouds (6) = Health uncertainty/misfortune, anxiety about growth
Snake (7) = Digestive health, health issues, deception/lies when it comes to growth
Coffin (8) = Resting due to health (bed rest), growth/expansion ending
Bouquet (9) = Positive growth
Scythe (10) = Sudden health issue, break in expansion/growth
Whip (11) = Conflict regarding growth, repetitive health issues, problems with the source
Birds (12) = Throat health, communication about growth/expansion, discussing the root of the problem/matter
Child (13) = New growth, a child growing
Fox (14) = Smart growth, necessary adaptive expansion
Bear (15) = Financial growth, nutrition, physical strength, family matriarch
Stars (16) = Future growth/expansion, multiple opportunities for growth, many growths (health context)
Stork (17) = Positive, sudden growth
Dog (18) = A strong friendship, friendship rooting
Tower (19) = Solo growth, a hospital, formalizing growth
Garden (20) = Rooting in environment/social scene
Mountain (21) = Growth is blocked
Crossroads (22) = Growth opportunities/choices, health decisions
Mice (23) = Growth/expansion being gnawed away, stress about health
Heart (24) = Rooting in love, heart health
Ring (25) = A health cycle, commitment to health, a growing relationship, a rooted relationship
Book (26) = Health mysteries/secrets
Letter (27) = Health news, invitation for growth, news regarding expansion
Man (28) = A doctor, man relating to health, male ancestor
Woman (29) = A doctor, woman relating to health, female ancestor
Lilies (30) = Slow growth, aging
Sun (31) = Vitality, positive growth, good outlook for expansion
Moon (32) = Reaching/growing toward goals/dreams, past life dreams
Key (33) = Positive health outcome, successful growth/expansion
Fish (34) = Abundance in health, many growth opportunities
Anchor (35) = Rooting, staying put
Cross (36) = Health burden, growth is difficult
Example Spreads with the Tree
I just moved to a new city. What will living in this city bring me?
House + Tree + Anchor
You are putting down roots and this is likely the place you will stay put!
I’m feeling lost when it comes to my career. Which career field would be best for me?
Tree + Tower + Letter + Key
Health/hospital administration looks very positive. Tree + Tower = Hospital. Tower + Letters = Administration/paperwork. Key = positive.
I’ve been having a hard time focusing and feeling up to do anything. What is going on with my health?
Tree + Snake + Sun + Mice
There are health problems (likely digestion) that are gnawing away at your energy.