1. The Rider
The Rider Card Meaning
In this card you generally see a handsome man riding rapidly, carrying news. He is a cordial rider, typically bringing news in a kind and courteous manner (unless cards around him are negative). This is a neutral card tilting slightly positive. It is an exciting card that shows news and information is on the way, and quickly!
The Rider Card Combinations
Did the rider show up in your reading? Check out the card combinations below. Please note, there are almost infinite meanings for Lenormand combinations. These combinations below are interpretations I have discovered over the years. The context can change EVERYTHING so use these meanings as prompts for your intuition to sing with the context of your question. I can't stress enough how important context is!
Clover (2) = Good news, arriving blessed/lucky, handsome/flirty person arriving
Ship (3) = Rapid movement, now, news arriving
House (4) = News regarding a home
Tree (5) = News regarding health, growing quickly
Clouds (6) = Confusing/troubling news
Snake (7) = News is not what it seems, arrival won't be as expected, deceitful person arriving
Coffin (8) = News will be delayed, not now
Bouquet (9) = Pleasant news, good looking person arriving
Scythe (10) = Divisive news, cutting off delivery
Whip (11) = News causes conflict, fighting on arrival, sexy man arriving
Birds (12) = News transmitted via conversation, gossip arriving
Child (13) = New arrival, new information, News regarding a child, new person
Fox (14) = News regarding work, information arriving covertly
Bear (15) = News regarding mother, boss, reserve finances (this one really depends on context) physically large person or big personality arriving
Stars (16) = News regarding the future
Stork (17) = News bringing change/stirring matters up
Dog (18) = News regarding a friend, good faith delivery
Tower (19) = Legal or corporate messenger, legal or corporate news, solitary messenger
Garden (20) = News regarding an environment/social scene, messenger from a particular place (depending on cards surrounding)
Mountain (21) = News is blocked, news creates blockade, news of blockage, news from a foreign place
Crossroads (22) = News brings choice to be made, news helps decide
Mice (23) = News brings anxiety/loss, worrying arrival
Heart (24) = New lover, love arriving, news regarding a lover
Ring (25) = News regarding a relationship, contract arriving
Book (26) = News with needed information, news regarding a secret
Letter (27) = Invitation arriving, documents, letters
Man (28) = Man arriving, messenger, handsome man arriving, news regarding a man
Woman (29) = Woman arriving, female messenger, news regarding a woman
Lilies (30) = Delayed news, news regarding a mature person, fast vs. slow
Sun (31) = Very good news, news illuminates, news of success
Moon (32) = Emotional news, news regarding creativity/romance
Key (33) = News of success, news is ensured to arrive
Fish (34) = A plethora of news, news regarding finances
Anchor (35) = News brings stability, reliable news
Cross (36) = News is meant to be, troubling news
Clover (2) = Luck arriving, lucky young man
Ship (3) = Rapid movement, messages from far away
House (4) = Visitor, news about a house
Tree (5) = Health news
Clouds (6) = Anxiety/worry arriving
Snake (7) = Untrustworthy arrival
Coffin (8) = Starting again, rebirth
Bouquet (9) = Gift/blessing arriving
Scythe (10) = Decision quickly made, decision brings movement
Whip (11) = Sexy man, quarrels on the way
Birds (12) = Gossip/communication arriving
Child (13) = News about a child, new young man, message regarding new beginning
Fox (14) = Message about a job
Bear (15) = Boss or mother arriving or news regarding them. Financial news. Big person or personality arriving
Stars (16) = Future or hope arriving
Stork (17) = Change arriving
Dog (18) = Friend arriving, counsel arriving
Tower (19) = News from a corporation/large institution. Person arriving alone
Garden (20) = News regarding social scene/environment. Messenger from a particular place
Mountain (21) = Delivery after blockage. Moving the blockage
Crossroads (22) = Acting on a decision. News regarding a decision
Mice (23) = Anxiety/stress arriving, loss on the way
Heart (24) = New love, new young lover
Ring (25) = Relationship offered, news of a contract or relationship
Book (26) = Unknown messenger, secret information delivered, needed information delivered
Letter (27) = Invitation delivered, documents delivered
Man (28) = Man arriving, male messenger
Woman (29) = Woman arriving, female messenger
Lilies (30) = Messenger delayed, arrival of a mature person, fast vs. slow
Sun (31) = Happiness arriving, good news, a sunny person arriving
Moon (32) = Emotional news, romance arriving
Key (33) = News of success arriving, message sure to be delivered
Fish (34) = Financial news, a lot of news, money arriving
Anchor (35) = Departure from stability (this one really depends on context and surrounding cards)
Cross (36) = Movement after pain, painful time arriving (heavily depends on surrounding cards)
Example Spreads with the Rider
QUESTION: How will he reach out to me?
Man + Rider + Bouquet + House
ANSWER: It appears he will likely deliver a gift to your home.
QUESTION: I’m expecting some news soon. What kind of news will it be?
Rider + Letter + Cross
ANSWER: It appears the news delivered will be painful/not positive.
QUESTION: When will I find out about the outcome of the court hearing?
The Rider
ANSWER: Very soon!