“That’s the thing I’ve learned about mountains: the joy you feel at scaling them is in direct proportion to how high and impassable the peak appears to be once you’re on the other side of it.” - Marie Bostwick
Welcome to Deep Dive Divination where we take a look at YOUR questions and answer them in depth. Let’s take a look at a fabulous question from Jasmijn from our Lenormand Learners Community.Thanks Jasmijn! She asked:
“About the Mountain, if the line starts with the Mountain, does it mean the cards following the Mountain are blocked, or does it mean you already have overcome the Mountain?”
To begin traversing this question, let’s first think of a Mountain, and the essence of it.
Understanding the Mountain
It is a MASSIVE rock. Something you cannot move. If you want to go somewhere or get something that resides on the other side of a Mountain, you must either climb it or go around it. There is no negotiating with it. You must find a way to maneuver around it. So it makes sense that mountain can mean:
Possible Meanings for the Mountain
- A Blockage
- A Challenge
- Problems
- Barriers
- Being Stuck
So how do we begin to make sense of using this card in an actual reading? When it comes to reading the Mountain, we must always remember…
The Order Matters
This is one of the most important but often overlooked rules of Lenormand. In general, the golden rule of Lenormand is that:
The 2nd card, modifies the first card.
In other words, in reading card combinations, the card on the right modifies the card on the left.
In the English language, the modifier precedes the subject. For example, we would say the blue balloon. Blue is the modifier and the balloon is the subject. While in the language of Lenormand, the modifier comes AFTER the subject. So, this would become, balloon blue.
So remember this golden Lenormand rule: The 2nd card modifies the first card.
Whew. Okay, I know that sounds a bit technical but it is ESSENTIAL to understand this concept to read Lenormand clearly.
Although the order matters for all Lenormand cards, it is especially pertinent when it comes to the Mountain.
What is the Mountain Modifying?
Using our “the 2nd card modifies the 1st card” rule, before reading the Mountain card, we always need to ask, what is the Mountain modifying or is the Mountain being modified by something else? In other words, what does the Mountain come before, and what does it come after?
I know this sounds like a subtle difference but it is a crucial difference.
Let’s look at a brief example:
Sun + Mountain = Happiness is blocked
Here, the Mountain is modifying the Sun. The Sun is the subject. The Mountain is modifying the Sun because it comes after.
Let’s now look at the inverse.
Mountain + Sun = Happiness after a challenge/blockage
Here, the Sun is modifying the Mountain. With the Mountain as the subject, the Sun is modifying the Mountain because it comes after.
As you can see, the order matters a whole heck of a lot because those are two completely different meanings for the same cards - the only thing that has changed is the order. Let’s look at some example spreads with a few more cards to fully cement this idea.
Example 1
I just got called for a job interview. How will the interview go?
It will be shaky/challenging at first but ultimately you will be able to show off your accomplishments and it will go well in the end.
Here, the Mice is modifying the Mountain. The stress/nervousness create a challenge/blockage. But then the Sun, modifies the Mice. So, it shows that the interviewee is able to overcome the anxiety to ultimately succeed in the interview.
Example 2
I just started dating a new woman. What may I experience on our next date?
Romance is blocked as there is a more of a friend vibe to the relationship and it is likely to stay that way.
Moon + Mountain = Blocked romance
Mountain + Dog = Friendly vibe creates block
Dog + Anchor = Friendly vibe to remain in place
Example 3
I am lead on a new project at work. How will the project progress over the next 2 months?
Productivity is blocked due to a power figure (likely your boss) acting in accordance with the bureaucracy of the institution.
Rider + Mountain = Productivity/movement is blocked. The Mountain is modifying the Rider.
Mountain + Bear = The boss caused the blockage. The Bear is modifying the Mountain.
Bear + Tower = The Tower (bureaucracy) here is modifying the Bear (boss).
How high is the Mountain now?
How are you feeling about the Mountain? No worries if you’re still feeling a bit shaky when it turns up in your reading.
The way to feel more confident in your interpretations is through practice. You can NEVER have enough card combo practice! If you practice consistently, your readings will become clearer.
I have just the thing.
Two Card Tuesday! One Tuesday a month, you’ll get a card combo practice session straight to your inbox. You don’t want to miss out on this because I have found that practicing card combos is THE best way to improve your Lenormand vocabulary so you can read with confidence.
I get it though…we don’t always have the time to bust out our cards so Two Card Tuesday ensures you get at least one good practice session a month just through skimming an email.
You can also check out more Mountain card combinations and example spreads on the Mountain Card Page.
Here’s to climbing the Mountain. I hope this help you see it from a different angle, so it just ain’t high enough.
Emily Rose