We all have at least one.
One card that haunts us through the early period of our Lenormand learning. One card that goes “BOO!” everytime we see it.
Like a long math equation we may freeze when we flip it over even though we KNOW we have the tools to decipher it if we just try. Even so, we tense up, wanting to run away before we even try to interpret our cards. Yet somehow, it tends to come up over and over again in our readings.
If you have ever thought, “Can this card stop haunting me already?” I want you to know that this is TOTALLY normal. After teaching hundreds of Lenormand students, I can tell you that almost every student has a “boogeyman” card, at least at the beginning. You are not alone!
So, you may be wondering which card are we talking about here?
Of course, the “scary” nature of each card is highly subjective. For the examples in this post, I picked the card that tends to spark the most fear when it appears and therefore, tends to get ushered back into the deck without interpretation. The card?
The Scythe
Titania’s Fortune Cards
The Scythe was the second most mentioned card when I asked the Lenormand Learner’s Community for their biggest challenges in reading but it was the MOST asked about card in the last round of my Lenormand Foundations Class. (The most recently asked about card was the Lily and I created a Deep Dive Post about the Lily card if you’re curious!)
What does the Scythe Card mean? Here are some keywords associated with the Scythe Card:
For more on the Scythe card meaning, combinations, and example spreads check out the Scythe Card Page.
When you look at these keywords, it’s no wonder it gives some the heebie jeebies!
So what do we do when that tricky card sticks its foot out and trips us up? Here are the 3 ways to master ANY Lenormand card. Even if you totally have a handle on the Scythe card, the 3 steps below can be applied to ANY Lenormand card that yells “BOO!” at you.
3 Ways to Master any Lenormand Card
1) Pay attention to context
When you are doing a reading for yourself or others always refer to the context to determine the appropriate meaning for each card. Remember, the context IS your question.
The more general the question, the more room you are giving the cards to stretch out. The more narrow your question, often the more specific your answer your will be. If you want a specific answer, make sure to ask a specific question - this is a great way to ensure your cards are directly speaking to the matter you wish to gain clarity on.
For example, if you are asking about a health condition then the Scythe may reference a surgery or procedure (think of a scalpel cutting into someone even if it is for beneficial purposes). If you are asking about a trip then the Scythe could reference an accident/incident, or perhaps something being cut short, etc.
Also, think about the scale of your question. Are you asking the cards about one day, one month, or one year? Chances are, if you’re only asking about one day, one negative card or pull isn’t going to define the rest of your life. See Step 3 for more on this.
Of course, you will need to know the essence of the card you are wanting to gain clarity on. The easiest way to learn this is to know the keywords associated with your tricky card. For possible meanings for each card, I highly recommend Rana George’s book, “The Essential Lenormand.” You can also explore the page below which has possible keywords, combos, and example spreads for each Lenormand card:
2) Make sure you understand which card is modifying and which card is being modified
Okay, I know this may seem a little confusing so let me explain…
Generally in Lenormand, the second card modifies the first card. Another way to think about it, the card to the right modifies the card to the left of it.
Let me show you what I mean.
Let’s say we have:
In this combo the Scythe is modifying the Stork card. This combo can translate to:
Progress is cut off (Stork = Progress) (Scythe = Cut)
Why? Because the Scythe is modifying the Stork. What is happening to the Stork? The Scythe is happening to it.
Okay, what happens when we do a little switcheroo? We would have:
Now the Stork is modifying the Scythe. What is happening to Scythe? The Stork is happening to it so we have…
Escaping an accident OR progress following an accident or surgery (Scythe = surgery/procedure or accident) and (Stork = Progress, taking off/flying away)
Pretty different right?! Not scary at all in this example. Now you see why it is essential to understand what is modifying the Scythe and what the Scythe is modifying!
Special note for those that have taken the mini course:
In the mini course I teach you a specific spread (modifier + subject + modifier). This is a specialized spread. The idea is still the same – you are paying attention to WHAT is being modified. In this spread the outside cards modify the inside card.
3) Don’t get tripped up by the “negative” cards
When the Scythe pops up in your reading, what’s your first thought?
If you think, “AHHH, the Scythe is coming to get me!” you are not alone. The image on the card can send a small jolt of fear when its flipped over AND it can feel confusing to interpret.
As I mentioned before, context is everything. If you are in a daily draw context, often the Scythe or another negative card will be some type of small nuisance OR depending on context, can show something is happening quickly or something unnecessary will be cut.
But, let’s not sugarcoat it - the Scythe can also point to a perceived “negative” outcome. When this is the case, remember that you would likely see this unfortunate event ahead of time so may be able to obviate the unpleasantness all together or at least have a heads up and an understanding as to how and why this event may be approaching.
If you are in a larger spread and do see that a negative card is playing a significant role in your reading, make sure to review your context then check out this post:
What to Do When Your Reading is “Negative” - Your 3 Step Action Plan to Changing Your Fortune
So the next time a card haunts you, relax your jaw. Let your shoulders float down where they belong and take a deep breath. You got this! You now have the tools you need to banish that boogeyman.