35. The Anchor
Anchor, verb: To fix or secure in a particular place.
Definition of Anchor - etymonline.com
Titania’s Fortune Cards
The Anchor Card Meaning
The Anchor card is one of the most literal emblems in the Lenormand. When the Anchor card appears in your reading you can simply think of an Anchor itself and what it does - its purpose is to keep a ship in place. It can represent stability, security, and durability. Look to the cards surrounding the Anchor to determine what is being secured. If you find difficult cards to the right of the Anchor (such as the Scythe) security may be in jeopardy or become a burden (Cross). The important thing to remember is that an Anchor can be drawn up but not without great effort - you simply need the strength to pick it up.
The Anchor Card Combinations
Did the Anchor card show up in your reading? Check out the card combinations below. Please note, there are almost infinite meanings for Lenormand combinations. These combinations below are interpretations I have discovered over the years. The context can change EVERYTHING so use these meanings as prompts for your intuition to sing with the context of your question. I can't stress enough how important context is!
Rider (1) = Movement after stagnation, moving the Anchor
Clover (2) = Flimsy stability
Ship (3) = Picking up the Anchor and moving
House (4) = Security in homelife
Tree (5) = Staying put and rooting, stability enables growth
Clouds (6) = Feeling stuck, doubt in staying put
Snake (7) = False security, illusion of security
Coffin (8) = End of stability
Bouquet (9) = Gifts/joy in security
Scythe (10) = Sudden end of security
Whip (11) = Annoyance/conflict about staying put
Birds (12) = Discussion about security
Child (13) = Small stability, new security
Fox (14) = Security with a catch, durability not what it seems
Bear (15) = Security through finances, withstanding through power
Stars (16) = Spreading stability, hope in security
Stork (17) = Positive movement after stagnation
Dog (18) = Security through loyalty
Tower (19) = Solo stability, institutional security
Garden (20) = Security through community
Mountain (21) = Stability is blocked
Crossroads (22) = Decisions about staying put/security, or moving away from stability
Mice (23) = Security being gnawed away, loss of stability
Heart (24) = Love brings security, loving stability
Ring (25) = Security through commitment
Book (26) = Learning about security, secret stability
Letter (27) = News brings security
Man (28) = Man causes stability
Woman (29) = Woman causes stability
Lilies (30) = Long lasting security/stability
Sun (31) = Happiness brings security
Moon (32) = Creativity/romance brings stability
Fish (34) = Abundance in stability
Cross (36) = Feeling stuck, burden in withstanding
Example Spreads with the Anchor
What is the current status of my relationship?
Ring + Anchor + Cross
It’s a committed relationship but it feels stagnant/stuck.
I met a new friend and I’m wondering if they’re trustworthy. What is their character like?
Dog + Bouquet + Anchor
They are trustworthy, giving friend.
I’m taking a new risk at work with an investment. How will the investment pan out?
Bear + Fox + Anchor + Scythe
It seems like a safe investment but isn’t and the bottom will fall out.