How Would You Read It?

Deck is the gorgeous Rana George Lenormand - US Games

Deck is the gorgeous Rana George Lenormand - US Games

“Where’s that damn screw?!”a frustrated voice calls from the garage.

Our furnace is broken at an inopportune and very cold time and my fiancé is working hard to fix it. But…a teeny tiny screw that is essential to the function of the furnace was nowhere to be found. The cat had been in the garage earlier playing with things on the floor so we both got on the ground with flashlights and looked around for about 10 minutes…no screw. It was truly like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Clearly, this is a Lenormand moment. I grabbed my cards and pulled the following: Mice + Stork + Bouquet. I felt like I needed another clue so I also pulled the Moon as well.

 How would you read this? Where do you think the screw was? Scroll down to see the real life result…










I interpreted the mice as the lost object. Immediately, the Stork told me we were looking in the wrong place. It wasn’t on the floor…it was ABOVE, up high somewhere. The Bouquet, I took to mean gathered, perhaps superficially, with other like objects. The Moon perplexed me.

I went in the garage and started looking up high and told my fiancé to do the same (he’s learned these lost object pulls work so he doesn’t question it anymore!). Then I heard, “AHA”!

The screw was hiding by the other screws on top of the furnace where we had looked a number of times BUT the screw was attached to a tool that was magnetic. We had moved the tool to look for it but didn’t realize the screw was attached to it. The Moon suddenly made sense…since the Moon can mean attraction, it makes sense it could reference a magnet. In retrospect, I also realized the mice could mean it was being stolen (the tool was taking it) up high, by other like objects. It just goes to show you never stop learning with Lenormand!

Have you tried finding a lost object with Lenormand? I would love to hear your experience!