Weekly Forecast 8.28 - What's your Beacon?

Okay...last week was a doozy. 

If you remember, we had the strength card, reversed. I was definitely feeling a bit wiped and like I just wanted to binge watch something on Netflix.

Everything felt out of my control! I was hoping for a different energy this week, so I was so glad I pulled....

The Chariot!

Radiant Rider-Waite Deck

Radiant Rider-Waite Deck

I talk about it in this here video...

What are your goals?

What is it you want to accomplish? Be sure to separate out what you think you "should" accomplish according to what other people want for you. The Chariot is holding the wand so it's about your gut instinct - your deep down truth.

What makes you happy? Do more of that. 

Once you figure this out, figure out what you need to do to get there. You may not have all the details worked out yet, but just a general idea will do. 

Then trace back.....what is a small thing you can do today toward your goal?

Go pick up some salad mix, sign up for that photography class, plan a date night with your partner. 

Great things start with one small thing. 

The Chariot says....do it now!

What are you working toward? Comment and let me know.