If you've been popping your head in here every now and then, you know that May is our month to tackle obstacles. For our Weekly Draw, we keep our theme going with the 8 of Wands... REVERSED!
Radiant Rider-Waite Deck - US Games Systems
8 of Wands Upright = Plans landing successfully
Wouldn't that be nice if this is what we had? But noooo... we're in a month of tackling obstacles so we get:
8 of Wands REVERSED = Plans landing unpredictably
I was feeling old school this week and wanted to go with some traditional Tarot. So, we've used a variety of decks/card systems this month... isn't it funny how we get such a similar theme?
Love the bright colors of this deck... but I think one of the retro decks in my Amazon wish lists may get primed soon.
This week, our plans we carefully released into the world may hit a wind gust. Those wands may scatter into disarray.
I would have loved to see a reprieve from our tackling obstacle theme but here we are...
Some of the takeaways this week....
- Take things slow... don't throw together too many plans this week. Have one, really well crafted plan with contingencies and back up plans.
- Travel with caution. Travel insurance can be a beautiful thing.
- Go with the flow. Although we may not land where we intended, we could land somewhere even more beautiful or where we are needed more.
Remember this....
Think of all the things you have accomplished in your life... now pick the hardest one to achieve. YOU DID THAT! Of course you can handle whatever is thrown at you this week!
Have you been tackling obstacles this month? What are some of the toughest and how did you handle it? Time for a pat on the back. Comment below and let me know.