It's Choose your Own Adventure time, with a bit of a twist!
This time, we’re going to pick 3 Lenormand cards to see WHAT our week has in store. Then we’re going to pick a Tarot card to see HOW we can make the most out of our weeks.
FIRST: Take a few deep breaths. You may wish to close your eyes for a moment.
Once you open your eyes, select the 3 cards you are most drawn to. REMEMBER the order. You may even wish to write it down/put it in the comments to remember (1,7,3 or 4,2,6) etc.
NEXT…select ONE card, below. This one will be your advice for the week. your numbers? Don't forget them!
Scroll down to reveal your cards.
The Rana George Lenormand
The Druidcraft Tarot Deck
Identify the key words associated with your Lenormand may help to write this down or put in the comments what each of your cards mean.
1) Dog = A friend, loyalty
2) Stork = Progress, freedom
3) Letter = Invitation, paperwork, news
4) Bear = Power, finances, strength
5) Spirit = Spirituality, energy, significance/importance
6) Man = A man, you if you identify as masculine
7) Woman = A woman, if you identify as feminine
8) Bed = Sex, comfort
9) Stars = Spreading, future, hope
Identify your focus card. The 2nd card you picked is your focus card. This card will generally serve as the central topic your week will revolve around. The cards surrounding this card (the first and third cards you picked) augment the focus card. Usually, the center card is the noun and the surrounding cards are the adjectives used to describe it.
For example if you picked…
Child + Letter + Bear
You may get new financial information this week.
Man + Dog + Spirit
A male friend is very important this week - pay attention to this.
A) Six of Pentacles - Generosity is your message. If you are in the position, you may be asked to give this week. If this is the case, the six of pentacles is asking you to give from an authentic part of yourself - not out of obligation. Take a moment to reach into and connect to a past part of yourself that could have used the help you may give to others this week. You may even imagine you are giving to this past part of you which can be an immensely healing moment.
On the other hand, you may be in need of assistance. We are ALL in this position at one point or another. If this is the case, allow yourself to receive graciously.
B) 6 of Wands - Soak up the praise this week my love! You have a cheering section and its time to hype them up and appreciate the support that you have in your life. You do not need to justify or earn the support of others - you are worthy as you are to accept this praise. If you are being celebrated for something you accomplished, cheer loudly without apology!
C) King of Wands - Trust in yourself. It can be easy to doubt yourself but you are a survivor. You are deserving of the good things in your life and now it is time to step into this majesty. Breathe in the royal air and rule your domain this week.
Check out my post on How to do a 3 Card Lenormand Spread for more in depth instructions and examples.
Remember, this is for fun! This is a very simplified reading and Lenormand can do sooo much more.
It's perfectly okay if you don't feel like you don't 100% understand your reading. I recommend commenting below with your cards and interpretation so you can reference back and see how your week played out.
If you don't understand your cards make sure to reference back to them later in the week. Chances are as your week progresses, you will see how your cards come to life. This simple practice can help you to develop a relationship with the Lenormand so you can begin to associate your life with the cards.